Picture gallery Open Ship Shabab Oman Sailing training ship in the naval base in Kiel on June 24th, 2022 during the Kiel Week 2022.

For the first time, the sail training ship Shabab Oman II from the Middle East has moored in a German port and can also be visited for the first time at the Open Ship in the Kiel naval base. And on the last weekend of the Kiel Week, the Shabab Oman II will also take part in the windjammer parade for the first time.

The Shabab Oman II (English: Youth of Oman) is a fully rigged ship that entered service with the Royal Navy of Oman in August 2014. She is a full-rigged ship built in Romania, outfitted in the Netherlands and launched in 2013.
Mit einer länge von 87 Metern und einer Breite von 11 Metern ist die Shabab Oman II in etwa ähnlich groß wie die Gorch Fock.
The sail training ship from Oman, visiting a German port for the first time, is definitely one of the highlights at this year’s Kiel Week Open Ship in the naval port.

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Video Shabab Oman II

Hi I am Chris from Kiel in Germany.