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About Christian Gewiese

Hi I am Chris from Kiel in Germany.

Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1 in Kiel

Many naval vessels in the naval base in Kiel on February 19th, 2023: Permanent NATO mine countermeasures group 1 is a guest in the naval port of Kiel. There has been a lot going [...]

After an oil spill near Brunsbüttel: the Kiel Canal is reopened to shipping

After an oil spill near Brunsbüttel: the Kiel Canal is reopened to shipping. Ships have been able to navigate the canal again since January 3rd, 2023. After one of the worst oil spills in northern [...]

By |2023-01-04T23:15:18+01:00January 4th, 2023|Categories: General, Kiel, Kiel Canal|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Kiel Canal Havarie: The unfortunate freighter Meri left Kiel after 3 weeks

Kiel Canal Accident: The unfortunate freighter Meri left Kiel after 3 weeks and is bringing the damaged crane back to Rostock. The cargo ship Meri and the mobile harbor crane left their berth at [...]

Shackleton expedition yacht in the Kiel Canal

Shackleton expedition yacht in the Kiel Canal: The 107 meter long luxury yacht crossed the canal on December 4th, 2022 on its way to Hamburg. And once again a spectacular ship in the Kiel [...]

New Egyptian frigate Al-Qahhar 905 on sea trials

New Egyptian frigate Al-Qahhar 905 on a sea trial: Type MEKO A200 frigate in the Kiel Fjord and return to the ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) shipyard on December 2nd, 2022. Here the warship AL-QAHHAR [...]

Cargo ship “Meri” rammed the Holtenau high bridge in the Kiel Canal

Cargo ship "Meri" rams the Holtenau high bridge in the Kiel Canal: On November 30, 2022, in the early hours of the morning, there was an accident in the Kiel Canal a few hundred [...]

Cruise 2024: Aida includes cruises to St. Petersburg in the program

Cruise 2024: Aida resumes cruises to St. Petersburg. The shipping company plans to call at the Russian port in 2024 with a total of three Aida ships. Cruise lines usually plan their tours and [...]

Color Line cargo ferries Color Carrier and Color Viking are closed and sold

The two Color Line freight ferries, Color Carrier and Color Viking, are shut down and sold. According to the shipping company Color Line, the main reasons for the sale are the rising energy costs [...]

Cap San Diego museum cargo ship in Kiel

Cap San Diego museum cargo ship Arrival in Kiel on August 6th, 2022: The Cap San Diego arrived in Kiel on Saturday and will be moored at Sartorikai for a few days. Rare guest [...]

Sea blockade partially ended: freighter Razoni leaves the port of Odessa for Lebanon

Sea blockade partially ended: freighter Razoni leaves the port of Odessa for Lebanon. It is the first cargo ship in months to leave Ukraine loaded with grain. According to media reports, the Turkish Ministry [...]