Picture gallery Egyptian frigate Al-Qahhar 905: MEKO A200 type frigate in the Kiel Fjord and return to the ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) shipyard on December 2nd, 2022.
Here the warship AL-QAHHAR (frigate 905 of the Al-Aziz class) newly built by TKMS is returning from the Baltic Sea to the ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems shipyard on the east bank of the Kiel Fjord. The Al-Quahar is a MEKO A200 type frigate and one of a total of three ships of this series that Egypt has ordered from TKMS.
- Al-Qahhar Marineschiff Kieler Förde
- Al-Qahhar Marineschiff TKMS Kiel
- Al-Qahhar 905 Kieler Förde TKMS Werft
- Al-Qahhar Fregatte und Personenfähre MS Schwentine
- Al-Qahhar Fregatte TKMS Werft Kiel
- Al-Qahhar Fregatte 905
- Al-Qahhar Fregatte 905 Kieler Förde
- Al-Qahhar 905 Kriegsschiff in Kiel 2.12.2022
- Al-Qahhar 905 Kriegsschiff
- Al-Qahhar 905 Fregatte Kieler Förde
- Al-Qahhar 905 Fregatte Ägyptische Marine
- Al-Qahhar 905 Fregatte Ägyptische Marine in Kiel
- Al-Qahhar 905