Windjammer Parade 2019 in the Kiel Fjord – The maritime highlight of the Kiel Week for sailors and everyone who likes to see ships.
The Kieler Woche Windjammer Parade is one of the largest sailing events in Germany. And this year the weather played along during the tall ship parade. As every year, countless tall ships, traditional ships, historic ships, steamers and other sailing ships and boats took part in the tall ship parade.
This year the windjammer parade was led by the Mir, a Russian sailing training ship. The Mir is a three-master with a blue and white hull.
In the best summer weather, well over 100,000 people watched the windjammer parade, for example from Falckensteiner Strand or of course from the other side of the Kiel Fjord, the east bank.
Pictures Windjammer Parade 2019
- Windjammer Parade Kiel 2019
- Windjammer Parade Kiel 2019
- Windjammer Parade 2019 Kiel Week
- Falckensteiner Strand Windjammer Parade
- Windjammerparade Kieler Woche 2019
- Windjammerparade 2019
- Sailing Ship STS Mir
- Sailing Ships Windjammer Parade Kiel Fjord
- Sailing ship Mir Windjammer Parade 2019
- Kieler Woche Windjammerparade 2019
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