Picture gallery Tugboat Ballet Hamburg Harbor Birthday 2023 Fairplay Tugboat and Fire Director Westphal on the Elbe Höhe Landungsbrücken in Hamburg.

It’s the harbor birthday in Hamburg again and there are a lot of ships in the port of Hamburg again, especially at the Landungsbrücken and the Überseebrücke. To mark the 834th port anniversary, the unique tugboat ballet took place in the afternoon on Saturday. Directly in front of the Landungsbrücken, the ballet of the blue and white harbor tugs with up to 3,000 hp took place, as is one of the highlights of the Hamburg port anniversary every year.

The best places directly at the landing stages (Landungsbrücken) with a view of the Elbe and the tugboat ballet were in great demand. Several hundred thousand visitors did not miss this tugboat show, which is unique in the world. The tugboat ballet at Hamburg’s harbor birthday could also be clearly observed from on board the ships that were moored at the jetties. The weather on Saturday was mostly cloudy and a bit cool towards the evening, but there was no rain. The Tugboat Ballet took place on Saturday (May 6th, 2023) from 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.

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Hi I am Chris from Kiel in Germany.